How To Move On

As I go out into life, I’ll be filming the process so you can come with me. There’s a video at the end of me giving out free hugs 🙂 EnjoyPost It Notes

I’ve been packing my room, and packing my life, because I’m being evicted. The student accommodations office said that because I’m not a student, I have to leave the dorms. They and potential tenants have been prodding me to go.

It’s okay though, because I’m not moving out, I’m moving on to greater things. It’s hard to move during this moment of heartache, but things will only get better when I move from this place.

With this opportunity I’m saying yes to life. There’s no shame in taking the full time I need to recover. School can wait. With this new outlook on life, I was presented with surprises, one thing leading to another. It started with a mysterious post it on my door. Continue reading

How To Seize Opportunity?

Seize Opportunities 1st Dec 2014

Things happen one after another, some good, some bad. My dad woke up from his unconscious state, trained, and can now walk as well as speak. He responds when I speak to him. Good.

Bad. They say things happen in 3’s. My nerves gave out, I got a digestive tract infection, and then a cold. I was on the mend and just devised a new plan to gain supreme energy… when I couldn’t foresee what came next.

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